Boost Your B2B Leads

ProfileWave utilizes AI-driven technologies to analyze data and enhance lead quality,
increasing conversion rates

Free trial — no credit card required

Leads chart
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Revenue chart
About ProfileWave

AI-driven Analysis enhancing Lead Quality

ProfileWave leverages advanced AI technology to delve into lead data, revealing crucial insights into intent, technology stack, LinkedIn groups, and personal interests. By tapping into hidden signals from various sources like news, reports, company websites, and social media, our platform not only enhances marketing personalization but also significantly elevates conversion rates.

Interface dashboard

Sales Intelligence

Individual Level Intent map

Individual Level Intent

By leveraging privacy-aware predictive models, you can enrich data not only at the account level but also on a highly detailed, individual level.

Cloud intents

Web Data

Going beyond direct interactions, we harness web data as a pivotal source of enrichment. This all-encompassing approach enhances our insights, offering a comprehensive understanding of user behavior and preferences.

AI-Detected Intent Keywords, Products, and Solutions graphic

AI-Detected Intent Keywords, Products, and Solutions

Our AI dynamically identifies intent keywords, products, and solutions without the need for predefined lists. Stay agile and responsive as our system adapts to evolving user interests and industry trends in real-time.

80 Milions data points

Data Points Weekly

With an extensive pool of over 80 million data points collected every week, our product dives deep into analytics, offering a wealth of information for robust insights and data-driven decision-making.

Intent trending

Predictive Intent

Uncover future needs with precision through our predictive intent technology. Anticipate user requirements and preferences, staying one step ahead in delivering relevant and timely content.

How it works

Discover the Power of
Personalized Marketing


Step 1

Unlock Higher Conversion Rates with Lead Data Processing

Start your journey by uploading your lead data. Our system requires you to use a specific template to ensure accuracy and efficiency. Simply download our easy-to-use template and populate it with your lead information

Chose plan

Step 2

Select Tailored Enrichment Options

After uploading your data, the next step is to customize the enrichment process to suit your specific needs. Choose from a variety of enrichment options available on our platform, each designed to enhance different aspects of your lead data.


Step 3

Optimize Your Marketing Campaigns with Data-Driven Insights

Once you confirm your selections, our system processes your leads using advanced algorithms. The processing time varies, but you'll be notified as soon as your enriched leads are ready.

Elevate Your Lead Generation Game

Dive into ProfileWave and revolutionize your lead generation approach. Discover hidden gems within your leads including intent, technology stack, LinkedIn groups, and personal interests

Sign up now

for a free trial – no credit card needed

Usa cases

Use Cases

Unlock Your Full Potential with Our Product

Boost Marketing with Deeper Customer Insights

Enhancing Customer Profiles

Challenge: Many businesses are stuck at surface-level customer insights, leading to ineffective marketing.

ProfileWave Solution: Revolutionize your approach by enriching your customer database with vital information like intent, job titles, and social profiles.

Results: Achieve a deeper understanding of your customers with ProfileWave, enabling tailored marketing strategies that significantly

boost engagement and results

Chart diagram about intents
take control
Convert More Leads with ProfileWave

Elevating Lead Scoring Through Data Enrichment

Challenge: Traditional lead scoring models frequently overlook high-potential leads, resulting in squandered opportunities and resources.

Approach: By leveraging ProfileWave’s data enrichment capabilities, businesses gain access to vital additional data points. This enriched information offers a more nuanced understanding of each lead's potential value.

Results: Implementing this approach allows companies to focus their efforts on the most promising leads. Consequently, businesses have observed a significant improvement in efficiency, with conversion rates increasing by up to 50% and ROI by up to 30%. This strategic prioritization not only optimizes resource allocation but also enhances overall profitability.

Elevating Customer Engagement with Personalization

Personalizing Marketing Campaigns

With enriched customer data, businesses can create more personalized marketing campaigns. By understanding a customer’s job title, industry, or interests (gathered from social media profiles), businesses can tailor their messages to resonate more effectively with each individual.

Challenge: One-size-fits-all marketing campaigns often fail to resonate with customers, leading to low engagement rates.

Approach: By understanding interests, intents, and channels used by customers, businesses can tailor their messages using ProfileWave.

Results: This leads to higher engagement rates and strengthens the relationship between the business and its customers.

take control
CRM insights
Revolutionizing Sales Conversations with Enriched Data

Enhancing Sales Conversations

Sales teams can use enriched data to have more meaningful conversations with prospects. Understanding a prospect’s background and interests can help sales representatives connect on a personal level and tailor their sales pitches to address the prospect’s specific needs and pain points.

Challenge: Sales representatives often lack the necessary information to connect with prospects on a personal level, leading to unsuccessful sales pitches.

Approach: Sales teams can leverage enriched data from ProfileWave to understand a prospect’s background and interests.

Results: This not only improves the chances of a successful sale but also enhances the overall customer experience.


Plans for all sizes

Simple, transparent pricing that grows with you.

Prospect Starter

Your budget-friendly entry into contact enrichment. Essential tools, ample credits – perfect for newcomers.

Access to all basic features
Basic insights
1.000 credits per month
Sign up it’s free
Insight Explorer

Navigate opportunities with depth. More credits, extended data storage – precision at its finest.

Access to accurate and enriched lead information
Advanced insights
30 days historical data storage
5.000 credits per month
Start today - free credits
Lead Master

Elevate sales mastery. Plenty of credits, expanded data storage – gain a competitive edge with a full data arsenal.

Access to accurate and enriched lead information
30 days historical data storage
Slack support
10.000 credits per month
Get Started
One time starter
Designed for small, one-time needs.
Access to accurate and enriched lead information
Advanced insights
7 days historical data storage
Get Started
Business Boost
Save 20%
Access to accurate and enriched lead information
Advanced insights
30 days historical data storage
Get Started
Enterprise Plan
Save 20%
Access to accurate and enriched lead information
Advanced insights
30 days historical data storage
Get Started
ProfileWave transformed my chaotic contacts and leads databases into a well-organized goldmine
Marketing manager photo


Marketing Manager

ProfileWave turned my tangled web of data into a streamlined, meaningful treasure trove
Man ad tech founder


AdTech Founder

Transform Your Marketing with 
AI-Driven Insights

Unlock the full potential of your leads with ProfileWave. Our advanced AI analyzes key data points to sharpen your marketing focus and skyrocket conversions

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to commonly asked questions about our services and platform.

How do I sign up?

To sign up, simply click on the 'Sign Up' button on our homepage and follow the instructions. It's quick and easy!

How does it work?

Our platform uses advanced algorithms to match professionals with relevant job opportunities. Simply create a profile, upload your resume, and let us do the rest.

Is it free to use?

Yes, our platform is completely free for professionals to use. There are no hidden fees or charges.

How can I update my profile?

You can easily update your profile by logging into your account and accessing the 'Edit Profile' section. Make sure to keep your information up to date for better job matching.

How do I delete my account?

If you wish to delete your account, please contact our support team and they will assist you with the process.